Required Courses
The following courses are required for every biosystems engineering student.
The engineering problem-solving approach will be practiced to analyze engineering problems within biological systems and to demonstrate the application of mathematical and scientific principles to engineering design.
Prereq: MA 113; concur with CHE 105, EGR 103, and PHY 231.
Introduction to statistics and statistical inference reasoning. Evaluation of common claims based on statistical constructs, hypothesis tests, margins of error, confidence intervals and analysis of variation. Identification of possible statistical obstacles, such as confounding, missing data and inappropriate randomness. Conceptual statistics will be emphasized. Special attention will be given to include biosystems engineering problems.
Prereq: MA 114.
This course is intended to give Biosystems Engineering students practical experience in the use of three-dimensional parametric modeling for engineering design. Students will learn how to create basic hand sketches, use computer software to create and define mechanical parts and assemblies, basic building blueprints, process diagrams, environmental improvement diagrams and generate detailed documentation with appropriate dimensioning and tolerances.
Prereq: BAE 200.
An introduction to economic analysis and design to solve problems encountered in Biosystems Engineering. Students will learn to specify, document, create, and test a design. Engineering economic analysis will be used to evaluate design alternatives. Economic topics include concepts of present and future value and techniques of managerial economics.
Prereq: EGR 103 or EGR 215; Coreq: BAE 205.
An introduction to the use of digital electronics and integrated circuits in solving biosystems engineering problems. Digital circuits, microprocessor concepts, computer interfacing, transducers, signal conditioning and control applications are discussed. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours per week.
Prereq: EGR 102, EE 305, and engineering standing.
Fundamental principles of steady state and transient heat and mass transfer in biosystems engineering. Heat transfer will include conduction, convection, and radiation. Mass transfer will include liquid-gas, solid-gas, and solid-liquid equilibrium scenarios, as well as convective, diffusive, and osmotic mass transfer. Governing equations and boundary conditions for both heat and mass transfer will be included with special attention to industrial, biological, and bioenvironmental problems.
Prereq: engineering standing, MA 214 and ME 220; prereq or concurrent with CE 341 or ME 330.
A course for senior students in biosystems engineering with an emphasis on oral communications skills. Students will do literature searches on topics related to the biosystems engineering profession and present oral and written reports.
Prereq: Engineering standing and prereq or concur with BAE 402.
A design course for seniors in biosystems engineering requiring students to solve open-ended problems. Students will use previously learned engineering principles to produce actual designs which will be built and analyzed in BAE 403.
Prereq: Engineering standing; BIO 148; BIO 152; ME 330 or CE 341; EM 302; prereq or concurrent with EM 313; BAE 310 or ME 325.
A design course for seniors in biosystems engineering requiring students to solve open-ended problems. Students will use previously learned engineering principles to produce actual designs, which will be built and analyzed in BAE 403.
Prereq: Engineering standing; BIO 148; BIO 152; ME 330 or CE 341; EM 302; prereq or concurrent with EM 313; BAE 310 or ME 325.
This course will introduce students to mathematical modeling of biological systems, both from a conceptual and methodological perspective. The art and science of developing a computer simulation model will be presented and supported by examples/exercises in MATLAB.
Prereq: Engineering standing or graduate student standing; BAE 402.
Core Courses
Every biosystems engineering student must take three of the four core courses listed below.
A study of the operational characteristics and design features associated with production and processing equipment for food and fiber products and an introduction to conceptualization, analysis and design of these systems. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours per week.
Prereq: ME 330 or CE 341, EM 302; prereq or concur: EM 31.
This course teaches load estimate for light timber and concrete structures and introduces the design of heating, cooling and ventilation systems in these structures.
Prereq: CE 341 or ME 330; BIO 148 and 152; prereq or concur: EM 313.
The hydrologic cycle is studied and design procedures are developed for flood control structures, water table management, wetlands, irrigation and erosion control systems.
Prereq: CE 341 or ME 330; BIO 148 and BIO 152.
Design principles and equipment selection for the most common processing operations are studied for the manufacturing and preservation of biological materials. Topics will include the design of fluid flow systems, transient heat transfer, heat exchangers, psychometrics and refrigeration.
Prereq: BIO 148 and BIO 152; prereq or concur with ME 325.
Service Courses for Non-Engineering Majors
This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of surveying, the general use of surveying equipment, and basic surveying methods. This course is not intended for students who are seeking to become licensed surveyors. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours.
Prereq: Math ACT of 25 or above, C or better in MA 110, or equivalent math placement scores.
Principles of selection of internal combustion engines. Operating principles of internal combustion engines including fuel injection, ignition, lubrication, and maintenance. Power transmission application and efficiency are considered. Lecture, two hours per week; Lab, two hours per week.
Wood and metal work, including reading engineering drawings, welding, power woodworking tools, soldering and pipe work. Lecture, 1 hour; Laboratory, 4 hours.
The functional requirements and principles of operation of systems for the handling and processing of food and agricultural products are studied. The areas covered are mass and energy balances, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, refrigeration, food freezing, evaporation, drying and special topics such as extrusion and microwave heating.
Prereq: PHY 211 and MA 123 or MA 113 or MA 137.
Introduction to the science and technology associated with the brewing of beer. Topics will include the history of beer, varieties of beer, and production of beer. Within the discussions about the production of beer, the effect of raw materials, processing, microbiology, and storage on the taste and appearance of the beer will be studied. The class will also cover beer appreciation and sensory perception, which will complement the discussions of science and technology in the production of beer.
Prereq: All students must be 21 by the first day of class.
Approved for Distance Learning.
An introduction to the impact and relationship of the atmosphere on living organisms. Emphasis is on the practical application of meteorology to everyday problems within the biosphere. Weather analysis, interpretation, psychrometrics of the atmosphere, and the impact of weather and climate on animals, plants and man are discussed. Lecture, two hours; laboratory, two hours per week.
Prereq: Junior, Senior, or Graduate standing.