Contact Information

128 C.E. Barnhart Building University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546-0276

(859) 257-3000

Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden

Greenhouse students work on butterfly boxes

Greenhouse Students Create Gardens

Greenhouse is UK’s Environment and Sustainability Residential College and is housed in Woodland Glen II. Students in Greenhouse are required to enroll in two connected courses, one course per fall and spring semesters.

During the fall of 2015, students enrolled in UK 100 Pathways and Barriers to Environmental Sustainability participated in a hands-on project to create six butterfly gardens on UK’s campus. The gardens were designed, under the supervision of Dr. Carmen Agouridis, by technical staff member Tyler Sanderson and undergraduate students Coleman Stivers and Adam Garner from the Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Department.

What is a Butterfly Garden?

A butterfly garden is a flowering garden designed to attract butterflies. Such gardens contain nectar plants that provide food for the butterflies and host plants on which the butterflies lay their eggs. Butterfly gardens require approximately six hours of sun per day. Not only are butterflies beautiful, they are pollinators. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) states that pollinators such as butterflies, bees and bats are responsible for supporting about 35% of the world’s food crops.

Map of the Butterfly Garden Locations    Garden by Garden Plant Key    Information and Photos of Butterfly Plants    See More Photos on Flickr

Our Gardens

Butterfly houses at Barnhart

C.E. Barnhart Building

Located at the C. E. Barnhart Building, this Butterfly Garden measures 1,100 sq.ft. and has been adopted by the BAE Alpha Epsilon Organization.

View Layouts for Barnhart Butterfly Garden

Ag Science Bus Stop butterfly garden

Ag. Science Lextran Bus Stop

Located at the Ag. Science Lextran bus stop, this Butterfly Garden measures 400 sq.ft. and has been adopted by the Entomology Club.

View Layouts for Bus Stop Butterfly Garden

Cooper building butterfly garden

T.P. Cooper Building

Located at the Thomas Poe Cooper Building, this Butterfly Garden measures 425 sq.ft. and has been adopted by the Forestry Club.

View Layouts for Cooper Butterfly Garden

Slone Research Building butterfly garden

Slone Research Building

Located at the Slone Research Building, this Butterfly Garden measures 650 sq.ft. and has been adopted by the Geology Club.

View Layouts for Slone Butterfly Garden

Erikson Hall butterfly garden

Erikson Hall

Located at Erikson Hall, this Butterfly Garden measures 240 sq.ft. and has yet to be adopted by a campus group or organization.

View Layouts for Erikson Butterfly Garden

UK Healthcare butterfly garden

UK Healthcare

Surrounded by UK Healthcare, this Butterfly Garden measures 150 sq.ft. and has been adopted by the Honors Living Learning Program.

View Layouts for Healthcare Butterfly Garden

Contact Information

128 C.E. Barnhart Building University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546-0276

(859) 257-3000