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128 C.E. Barnhart Building University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546-0276

(859) 257-3000

BAE Donates PPE in Fight Against COVID-19 Spread

BAE Donates PPE in Fight Against COVID-19 Spread

BAE Donates PPE in Fight Against COVID-19 Spread

Published on Apr. 8, 2020

To help in the fight against the spread of COVID-19, the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering donated the following personal protective equipment to UK Healthcare.

  • 69 boxes of gloves
  • 120 N95 masks (6 boxes)
  • 50 pairs of shoe covers,
  • 20 disposable lab jackets
  • 12 pairs of goggles,
  • 3 respirator face shields w/filter pads,
  • 1 full face shield and 1 box of disposal aprons (50). 

Just another example of Wildcats pitching in and making sacrifices to protect frontline healthcare workers. Great job, BAE!

Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Contact Information

128 C.E. Barnhart Building University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546-0276

(859) 257-3000