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Earn a Digital Badge by Pairing Summer Online Courses

Earn a Digital Badge by Pairing Summer Online Courses

Earn a Digital Badge by Pairing Summer Online Courses

Published on May. 7, 2020

The University of Kentucky has launched a new program that rewards participants for pairing online summer courses. Now, students inside and outside UK can earn badges for taking two classes within the same concentration. Courses must be completed during the summer of 2020 to be eligible for a badge. Details about the three badges available through the UK College of Engineering are below.

Distillation Fundamentals Badge

The Distillation Fundamentals badge is designed for those interested in learning more about the distillation industries. To earn the badge, take any two of the following courses. Pre-requisites may apply to some courses. Courses are applicable to the Distillation, Wine and Brewing Undergraduate Certificate. This badge is offered through a partnership between the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, College of Arts and Sciences, and College of Engineering

  • A&S 306 Spirit Chemistry (3 credit hours, Jun 11-Aug 6)
  • PLS 335 Distillation, Wine & Brewing Science (3 credit hours, Jun 11-Aug 6)
  • EGR 380 Bourbon Production Engineering (3 credit hours, May 12-Jun 23) – non-engineers only
  • CME 599 Topics in Chemical Engineering: Bourbon Production Engineering (3 credit hours, Jun 25-Aug 6) – engineers only

Environmental Protection and Restoration Badge

Environmental Protection and Restoration BadgeThe Environmental Protection and Restoration badge is designed for those interested in gaining a broader understanding of environmental issues along with ways to protect and restore ecosystems. To earn the badge, take any two of the following courses except BIO 208 and CHE 230 together. Pre-requisites may apply to some courses. Courses are applicable to the Environmental Engineering Undergraduate Certificate. This badge is offered through a partnership between the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, College of Arts and Sciences, and College of Engineering

  • CE 351 Intro to Environmental Engineering (3 credit hours, May 12-Jun 24)
  • BAE 532/CE 542 Intro to Stream Restoration (3 credit hours, May 12-Aug 6)
  • BIO 208 Principles of Microbiology (3 credit hours, May 12-Jun 23)
  • CHE 230 Organic Chemistry I (3 credit hours, Jun 11-Aug 6)

Computer Science Rudiments Badge

Computer Science Rudiments BadgeThe Computer Science Rudiments badge is designed for computer science majors and minors who are interested in acquiring foundational computer science and programming skills. Options for course bundles are below.

Option 1

  • CS 216: Introduction to Software Engineering Technologies AND
  • CS 275: Discrete Mathematics

Option 2

  • CS 215: Introduction to Program Design, Abstraction, and Problem Solving AND
  • CS 275: Discrete Mathematics

Option 3

  • CS 115: Introduction to Computer Programming AND
  • CS 215: Introduction to Program Design, Abstraction, and Problem Solving

Option 4

  • CS 115: Introduction to Computer Programming AND
  • CS 275: Discrete Mathematics 
Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

Contact Information

128 C.E. Barnhart Building University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 40546-0276

(859) 257-3000