Recap of the College of Engineering Awards Banquet Sponsored by Tau Beta Pi
Recap of the College of Engineering Awards Banquet Sponsored by Tau Beta Pi
Published on Apr. 28, 2018

The annual College of Engineering Awards Banquet sponsored by Tau Beta Pi took place April 17, 2018 at the Hilary J. Boone Center. Representative Sannie Overly, a 1989 civil engineering graduate from the University of Kentucky, gave the keynote address. The awards, arranged by department, are below.
College of Engineering Awards
Engineering Alumni Association Senior Leadership Award: Sydney Norman
Lou Takacs Engineering Co-op Award: Alison Crupper, David Oswalt
Henry Mason Lutes Award for Excellence in Engineering Education: Jeffrey Seay
Tau Beta Pi Awards
Most Outstanding Senior: Sydney Norman
Most Outstanding Graduate Student: Jack White
Most Outstanding Staff: Ilka Balk
Most Outstanding Professor: Suzanne W. Smith
Dr. Bruce L. Walcott Tau Beta Pi Most Outstanding Service Award: Isabel Escobar
F. Joseph Halcomb III, M.D. Department of Biomedical Engineering
Outstanding Teacher: Sridhar Sunderam
Outstanding Graduate Student (Masters): Nicholas Kohrs
Outstanding Graduate Student (Doctoral): Ahmed Bahrani
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Frank Woeste Award: Eric Vanzant
Outstanding Junior: Eric Vanzant
Outstanding Senior: Amanda Williams
Outstanding Teacher: Alicia Modenbach
Outstanding Experiential Learning: Kourtnie Ruber
Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
AIChE Outstanding Senior Member: Will Davis
Omega Chi Epsilon Outstanding Student: Lauren Mehanna
Outstanding Chemical Engineering Junior Award: Hannah Dvorak (Honorable Mentions: Monica Alden, Rebeckah Fairchild, Thomas Ostertag, Brad Wilson)
Outstanding Chemical Engineering Senior Award: Abby Munsterman (Honorable Mentions: Ryan Blood, Robert Brooks, Katherine Ruwe, Luke Wesley)
Outstanding Chemical Engineering Graduate Student: Angela Gutierrez, Carolyn Jordan
Outstanding Chemical Engineering Teacher Award: Sarah Wilson
Outstanding Materials Engineering Junior Award: Nick Telesz
Outstanding Materials Engineering Senior Award: Matthew Hollinden
Outstanding MSE Graduate Students: Tyler Maxwell; Xiaowen Zhan
Outstanding Materials Engineering Teacher Award: John Balk
Department of Civil Engineering
Outstanding Junior: Stephen Day
Outstanding Senior: Freddy Lause
Outstanding Graduate Student: Travis Watts
Outstanding Faculty: Gabriel Dadi
Department of Computer Science
Outstanding Academic Performance: Logan Hickey, Aaron Mueller, Tristan Basil, Dillon Pulliam
Outstanding MS Student: Jeevith Bopaiah
Outstanding PhD Student: Ye Yu
Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Md. Tariqul Islam
Outstanding Graduating Senior: Sydney Norman
Outstanding Teacher: Mirek Truszczynski
Thaddeus B. Curtz Memorial Scholarship: Xinxin Zuo
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Alex Romanowitz Memorial Award: Luke Wormald
Robert L. Cosgriff Award: Elizabeth Foster
Outstanding Computer Engineering Junior: Daniel Dopp
Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior: Stephanie McCormick
Outstanding Electrical Engineering Junior: Tanner Shepherd
Outstanding Electrical Engineering Senior: Cole Richardson
Outstanding Teacher in Electrical and Computer Engineering: Aaron Cramer
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ASME Bluegrass Section Outstanding Scholars: Virginia Smith; Zachary Oakes; Gabriel Myers; Adam Claus; William Sanders, IV; Chih-Hsuan Hung; John Higgins
J.W. May Achievement Award: Sarah Cox
Pi Tau Sigma Outstanding Sophomore: Jack Riordan
Outstanding Junior: Mfon-Abasi Itama
Outstanding Senior: Gabriel Myers
Outstanding Teaching Assistant: Yangyang Wu
Outstanding Master’s Student: Devin Sparks
Outstanding Doctoral Student: Stephen Grib
ASME Outstanding Faculty: Christine Goble
Department of Mining Engineering
Outstanding Junior: Timothy Watkins
Outstanding Senior: Chandler Absher
Academic Excellence Award: Trevor Rosania, Chandler Absher
Junior Academic Achievement Award: Sarah Fay
Outstanding Faculty: Jack Groppo